Indivisible LRCA
This is my most recent project. Along with several other team members I worked to create a website for the non-profit organization, Indivisible Central Arkansas. Indivisible's goal is to empower people of all ages to exercise their voting rights as well help provide them the tools and information to do so. This website was developed on the popular CMS platform, Squarespace. My role as the developer and designer was to assist my team members in the creation of design elements such as a new logo and other graphic elements to be used on fliers, emails, etc. I was also responsible for implementing the layout of the content based on the wireframes provided to me by the co-designer.
I gained much development and designing experience while working on this project. I learned Content Managment Systems (CMS) are great tools to develop websites especially for people who are not very knowledgeable in coding languages. Speaking of which, this forced me to learn to communicate with people who are not fluent in web technologies and use jargon they can understand, so we all can understand each other and accomplish the our goals. Working on this project was very rewarding, however very frustrating at times. I learned that not all CMS platforms are created equally and they each come with their own limitations. This was my first time developing with SquareSpace and I often found myself comparing it to another popular CMS, WordPress, which is my preferred CMS. Developing this site using SquareSpace was challenging at times because I often encountered technical roadblocks such as the SquareSpace server having issues or a certain feature not functioning as it should.
Overall I am very satisfied with how they site turned out. While SquareSpace is not my preferred CMS I am grateful I got to gain some experience using it and gaining a good understaning of its innerworking since it could be the preferred platform of clients someday. View site
How much was your last meal?
Have you ever gone out with a group of friends and you all decide to split the bill, but you're not sure how much you actually have to pay? I designed and developed an app for that! It is very quick, simple and straighforward to use. All the user has to do is enter the total cost of the meal, what percentage of the meal they would like to leave as a tip, and lastly how many people ate. Once all the information is entered, then the user taps or clicks the calculate button and BAM! Now they know what their portion of the meal costs.
This application is built in HTML, CSS, and Vanilla Javascript. I really enjoyed developing this app and even hosted it on Github for my friends and family to use whenever they go out to eat. One of my favorite experiences about developing this app was getting to explore manipulating the DOM. Give it a try! 😊
Create a shopping list
Everyone should go to the grocery store with a shopping list and I made an app for that too! Just enter the item you would like to add to your shopping list in the text field and click or tap the submit button. You can even remove items or cross out items as you wish. Just double click or tap on a single item in the list to remove it or single click or tap to cross it out.
This app is also built using HTML, CSS, and pure JavaScript. This was another one of my favorite projects and I am pleased with how it turned out. I plan to take it a step further and give the user a way to save the lists they create. 📝
The X and O game
A childhood classic and a game you can play almost anywhere—Tic Tac Toe ❌⭕. This app using HTML, CSS, and Javascript to create an online Tic Tac Toe experience. Not only is it visually appealing it uses fun game sounds to make it even more exciting! While developing this small game was sometimes frustrating, I loved it because my Javascript knowledge was really tested and I developed excellent problem solving, research, and critical thinking skills.